Friday, February 6, 2009

My Mural's Coming along...

I worked on my studio mural again. This is the first time I have ever done a mural before but I wanted to do something creative in my studio and I already have to do 'spring cleaning' soooo I took everything out and have been working on this. Once Im finished I will clean and organize. :) Thats going to be a chore lol. Maybe I'll find some neat things I didnt remember having that I can use in my art. Thats always fun. So here is the progress of my mural.

Day 1

[ I decided to do something floral]

Day 2

[Starting fresh I added more flowers & since I had the light of day the colors show better in the pic lol]

[I decided to 'frame' the flowers and paint the entire wall a solid color. Its called Ancient Purple. But I painted it w/ streaks to add some design and dimension]

[Once that was finished I added the blue background and clouds]

[another view]

I think todays progress was good. Tomorrow is Detail day lol. Then I'll need to figure out how to incorporate the other walls of the room in some way. I'm thinking of adding a butterfly or maybe a flying ladybug.. or a bird. Hmm. Not sure yet :) Thanks for visiting! Stay tuned for more!

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